
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


It would appear, dear Readers, that some of my scribblings have made it to print. For that, I must thank my very gracious and helpful publishers at Hobbes End, and urge you to consider the other works of their many talented authors.

The path that led me to this point is not what I expected it to be, nor do I believe the path before me will turn out quite the way it seems at present. But with one story now in the ether, the only palpable obstacle to any greater feats is my own will. I suppose for any writer, that's really the truth of it all along, but it is a realization that is all the more compelling on this side of the submissions letter.

With such compulsion, I am resolved to produce further tales, such as the circumstances in which I find myself might allow. If news and apocrypha related to such matters is something that interests you, dear Readers, then might I suggest you allow not your attentions to stray far from this space?

Until next time.